ISPecially Yours – October 2018

Working on RESPECT

We’re all very fortunate to live in a state that utilizes an AEA systems that provide access to wonderful learning opportunities on a regular basis. Over the years I have taken many PDs and I’ve learned many things. I often think back and realize how little I knew before starting work on topics such as literacy, advanced behavior assessments, or visual supports. There are other PDs, however, that feel more like a good refresher for something I have learned before. When I think about all of the professional development that I have had over the years, none of these training opportunities left me with a profoundly different outlook on my work until I took the RESPECT training.

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Transitions Assessment: Summer Edition


Summer is just around the corner and I was curious about what other school based professionals do with a few weeks of “free time” during the summer.  If you are having a hard time remembering what “Free Time” is click here.  I created an informal survey to answer my looming question’s.  What I learned from the survey, you might not expect.

Method:  School psychologists and school based professionals who belong to ISPA had the opportunity to complete a 6 question Google Form.  A link to the Google Form was available on the ISPA website and promoted via Facebook.

Results: 4 individuals (1 of those being me) completed the survey.  Here are the results of the survey: 100% of the individuals surveyed do not plan to work this summer and enjoy having summers off.  25% of people plan to attend a professional conference and 75% plan to go on a vacation or travel around the US; potentially in a camper.  Finally, 50% of individual’s consider their days to be generally carefree with only a few obligations here and there, while the other half add more structure to their days.  This may be a bit of a stretch but based on the results, if anything at all can be inferred, it is that school psych’s are pretty fun people who deserve a few weeks off because we work really hard and do a lot of good non-stop throughout the school year.

Discussion:  The results of this survey have very little meaning to anyone anywhere and the results are considered insignificant because the sample size was so small (n=4).  However, we now have more data to support a lack of engagement within our online community.  This suggests that we could all step-it-up by interacting and engaging a little more  with our fellow colleagues.  We can share more posts, comment more often and get more involved because the information that we have to share is important for our schools & the kids that we work with.  We have lots of room to grow!  Lets get active!


This is the new Data Driven Deep Thinking blog…


The last several weeks of school are going to fly by!  Summer is just around the corner.  I know you are busy digging in your heals, adding your last parent request to your list and starting your last intervention before your contract calendar runs out of days.  ISPA wants to know what you are up to this summer so take a few minutes to complete this Transitions Assessment: Summer Edition 

 This quick survey will ask you to report out on your plans for the summer.  Based on the response’s I will write a results post so that you have an idea of what other school based professionals will be doing with their summer!  Click here to complete the short survey.


Thank You


ISPecially Yours – March 2017

Um, Professor, Did You Forget to Cover This in Class?

It’s been four years since I left UNI and started my career as a School Psychologist. Four years ago I was assigned to three elementary schools and early childhood and my assignment has remained the same until now. Next year I will have a new assignment which means new responsibilities, relationships, and an opportunity to reintroduce myself as the School Psychologist I am now. This move has me thinking about all that I have learned since graduate school. UNI prepared me for my job responsibilities in so many ways, however there are so many unwritten rules that I feel like I’ve had to learn in practice that will benefit me as I begin my new journey. I’m not the same School Psychologist that I was upon entering the workforce, and I think mostly that’s a good thing. So, I’ve decided to award myself some additional credits for on-the-job training.

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